Welcome to Amherst Cove Consolidated's online ordering system. We are very excited about moving to an online system because of the many advantages. These include:
most importantly, no loss of instructional time as teachers were spending a considerable amount of time collecting, verifying and tabulating monthly orders with our previous method.
the ability of parents to order in two-week blocks so if they miss a deadline, they do not have to wait a full month.
the ability of parents to order for several weeks, months, or even the entire school year all at once.
not needing to worry that the food order or money gets misplaced on the way to school.
not having to scramble to find the correct change to send to school.
the ability of parents to pay through a PayPal account or their credit card.
being able to log in to the system anytime to remind yourself of what you ordered.
receiving weekly email reminders of what you have ordered (you can opt out of this feature).
allowing us to offer more food choices - we hesitated to do this previously because the old method was already very time consuming without making it more complicated.
the ability to offer parents the option to pay school supply fees or other fees directly online in the future.
To get started, you can click here to visit the "Memos" section of our school website where you will find a link to registration instructions and an access code for our school. Due to issues surrounding personal information, the school is not able to populate the website with all of our students' information. Instead, when you create your own account, you will enter your own students and pick their homeroom from the list selected. Once you have read the instructions, click on the "Click Here To Register" button to the right of this message.
Also, as part of the PEI School Food Program, there will also be lunches delivered 5 days a week to Amherst Cove Consolidated.
Pay What You Can Program:
As part of the School Food Program, the Province of PEI wants to ensure that nutritious lunches are available to as many students as possible, regardless of their ability to pay.
The Pay What You Can Program offers families 3 options:
You can pay the full amount of your child’s lunch;
You can pay an amount that you can afford to pay at that time;
You can order lunch for your child if you are unable to pay at all.
All orders and payment amounts will be kept confidential.
In order to participate, please sign-up at: www.peischoolfood.ca
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